JQL Booster Pack 1.1 Release Notes

JQL Booster Pack 1.1 Release Notes

February 04, 2018

Yay! We are really happy to see how this app has been welcomed by most of you during its first month in the Atlassian Marketplace.

We keep focused on made your searching experience even better, In this release of JQL Booster Pack, we've introduced a new JQL function that has been previously requested by some of you. If you have any comments or suggestions on how to make this app better, please feel free to send them directly to us, your feedback is really important for us.

User Properties are now searchables!

A property is an extra piece of information about a user that you can be stored in Jira by Administrators under 'User Management' menu. It consists of a key of your choice, like 'Phone number' or 'Location', plus a corresponding value (eg. '987 654 3210', 'Level Three'). 

Although this can be really useful to distinguish one user to another, properties are not availables to perfom queries on it.
That's why in this release we have introduced the usersWithProperty() function to allow you to create sophisticated queries based on user properties!

Resolved issues

v1.1.1-RELEASE – October 10, 2018

  • [BUG] Function groupsOf() doesn't work for users who have previously changed their username RESOLVED

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Release Notes

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