Jack Nolddor
Searches issues with / without remote links, additionally you can further refine your query by using a number expression. Note: A 'number expression' is made of an optional operator representing by its mathematical symbol and a (prositive/negative) number.
See also: remoteLinkedIssuesOf() and hasLinks()Operator Symbol Equals to = Not equals to != Greater than > Greater than or equals to >= Less than < Less than or equals to <= By default, this function only includes issues with at least one remote link even if you use the '<' or '<=' operator.
You must explicity add 'issues NOT IN hasRemoteLinks()' clause to your query, if you also want to search for issues without remote links.
Syntax | hasRemoteLinks() |
Available since | v2.1.0-RELEASE |
Supported fields | Issue |
Supported operators |
Unsupported operators |
• Find issues without remote links:
issue NOT IN hasRemoteLinks() issue NOT IN hasRemoteLinks("> 0")
• Find Stories that have three or more remote links
type = Story AND issue IN hasRemoteLinks(">= 3")
• Find Features that have been mentioned in at least one Confluence page
type = Feature AND issue IN hasRemoteLinks("> 0", "mentioned in")
• Find issues within the EMEA project having less than 2 remote links or no remote links at all.
project = EMEA AND (issue IN hasRemoteLinks("< 2") OR issue NOT IN hasRemoteLinks())
Real World Use Cases:
· JRASERVER-28064 - The ability to query remote link data via JQL (by Michael Andreacchio)
· Using JQL to search for remote issue links (by Mark Terrel at ATLASSIAN Community)
· Search issues which have remote links - how to? (by TamasS at ATLASSIAN Community)
JQL Function Reference