Jack Nolddor
Returns child issues (on Portfolio hierarchy) of issues specified by the provided subquery. Note: Searches for childrens of already closed issues which their resolution have been set to "Won't Do" Searches for childrens of already closed issues which their resolution have been set to "Won't Do" Searches for childrens of in progress issues reporter by me
See also: portfolioParentOf()
Since you need to enclose the provided subquery using doble quotes, you must to escape any doble quotes using in the subquery by preceding a backslash after the double quotes, alternatively you can use a single quote in some cases. This will not work
issue IN portfolioChildOf("resolution = "Won't Do" AND status = Closed")
This will work perfectly
issue IN portfolioChildOf("resolution = \"Won't Do\" AND status = Closed")
issue IN portfolioChildOf("status = 'In Progress' AND reporter = currentUser()")
This function does not traverse the link from Epic to Story. To also search for stories, or subtasks you should use this function in conjuntion with issuesInEpics() or subtasksOf() JQL functions.
Syntax | portfolioChildOf(subquery) |
Available since | v2.0.0-RELEASE Only if Portfolio for Jira is installed on the system. |
Supported fields | Issue |
Supported operators |
Unsupported operators |
• Find all 'Initiatives' that belong to issues in a certain status::
issue in portfolioChildOf("status = 'To Do'") and issuetype = Initiative
• Find child issues of Initiatives and their associated Stories
issue IN portfolioChildOf("type = Initiative") OR issue IN issuesInEpics("issue IN portfolioChildOf('type = Initiative')")
• Find 'Initiatives' that don't belong to Themes:
issue not in portfolioChildOf("type = Theme") and issuetype = Initiative
Real World Use Cases:
· JQL query to find child issues of Initiative (by Thomas Nielsen at ATLASSIAN Community)
· JQL for Initiatives and child epics in Portfolio (by Elrich Strydom at ATLASSIAN Community)
· How to give a JQL subquery inside ParentIssuesOf or ChildIssuesOf (by Filipe Nascimento at ATLASSIAN Community)
JQL Function Reference