Jack Nolddor
Searches issues within epics that match the given subquery.. Note: Searches issues within Epics that are closed and their resolution have been set to "Won't Do" Searches issues within Epics that are closed and their resolution have been set to "Won't Do" Searches issues within Epics that are in proress and have been reportered by me
See also: epicsOf()
Since you need to enclose the provided subquery using doble quotes, you must to escape any doble quotes using in the subquery by preceding a backslash after the double quotes, alternatively you can use a single quote in some cases. This will not work
issue IN issuesInEpics("resolution = "Won't Do" AND status = Closed")
This will work perfectly
issue IN issuesInEpics("resolution = \"Won't Do\" AND status = Closed")
issue IN issuesInEpics("status = 'In Progress' AND reporter = currentUser()")
Syntax | issuesInEpics(subquery) |
Available since | v1.8.0-RELEASE |
Supported fields | Issue |
Supported operators |
Unsupported operators |
• Find issues within 'Open' Epics:
issue IN issuesInEpics("status = Open")
• Find 'Unresolved' issues within Epics that are 'Closed' and their resolution have been set to 'Won't Do'
issue IN issuesInEpics("resolution = \"Won't Do\" AND status = Closed") AND resolution = Unresolved
• Find issues within Epics from the EMEA project that indeed belong to another project
issue IN issuesInEpics("project = EMEA") AND project != EMEA
Real World Use Cases:
· How to filter for all epics with a certain label and all issues in these epics (by Pankaj Navlekar at ATLASSIAN Community)
· List all issues, from multiple projects, linked to multiple epics from 1 project (by Andy Kelly at ATLASSIAN Community)
· JSWSERVER-7837 - Provide JQL functions to query epic relations (by Fabian Meier)
JQL Function Reference