Perform searches based on active users that belong to the provided group.
See also: inactiveUsers()
If no group is provided, it will return all users set as active in the system.
Perform searches based on users that led at least one component.
If no arguments are provided, this function will return users that led at least one component in any project that you have permission to browse.
Perform searches based on inactive users that belong to the provided group.
See also: activeUsers()
If no group is provided, it will return all users set as inactive in the system.
Perform searches based on the members of a particular project role.
If any project is provided, all visible projects for the current user will be used while searching for members in the given role.
Perform searches based on users that led at least one Jira project.
Perform searches based on users with a matching user property value.
User properties managed by Jira and LDAP attributes are not related in any way, as a consequence, you cannot query LDAP attributes using this custom JQL function.
To learn how Administrators can add new user properties, please check 'Add a property to a user' section at this Atlassian Jira Documentation Page.