Jack Nolddor
Perform searches based on the members of a particular project role. If any project is provided, all visible projects for the current user will be used while searching for members in the given role.
Syntax | membersOfRole(role) |
Available since | v1.6.0-RELEASE |
Supported fields | Assignee, Reporter, Voter, Watcher, custom fields of type User |
Supported operators |
Unsupported operators |
• Find issues that have been reporter by members of 'Developers' role:
reporter IN membersOfRole("Developers")
• Find issues on EMEA project that have been reporter by members of 'Team Leads' role regardless of the project:
project = EMEA AND reporter IN membersOfRole("Team Leads")
• Find issues on any project that have been reporter by members of EMEA Project 'Engineers':
reporter IN membersOfRole("Engineers", "EMEA")
• Find issues on HelpDesk project that are assigned to 'Support L3' members of this project:
project = HelpDesk AND assignee IN membersOfRole("Support L3", "HelpDesk")
Real World Use Cases:
· Does Scriptrunner support assignee in role('Role Name')? (by David May at ATLASSIAN Community)
· SRJIRA-2247 - Query User Picker fields by role (by Jonny Carter)
· JRASERVER-21711 - Add membersOfProjectRole function to JQL (by Larry Shatzer, Jr.)
· JRASERVER-19811 - Jira Query Language function membersOf("") (by Rodolfo Romero)
· How to search for issues related to members of a specific project role? (by chris o'connor at ATLASSIAN Community)
JQL Function Reference